Saturday, 27 February 2010

My questionnaire

For the next piece of work for the preliminary task I had to produce a questionnaire. I made sure that I had all the necessary questions in order to make sure that when I came to making my front cover it had everything that the student sand the parents would like to see on the front cover of the magazine so it would grab their attention and make them want to read it also the feedback from my questionnaire will be a huge help for me so I can make a good flat plan and then go on to making a good front cover the questions I came up with was:

1) Do you like the front cover of the Bodmin college school magazine?
2) Do you think the logo stands out?
3) Do you think there are too many pictures?
4) What do you think about the colours used for the front cover?
5) What would you like to see on the front cover of the magazine?
6) Would teasers make you want to read the inside of the magazine?
7) Do you like the font on the magazines front cover

1 comment:

  1. Hopefully the answers to this will give you some really good feedback that will inform your prelim piece.
