The feedback that I got from my second question that I asked about whether or not the school logo was again very negative the majority of people said that the logo doesn't stand out enough and some students even said that some people that read it from the outside amy not know that its Bodmin college's very own magazine. Some people also said that the logo blends in to much with the background. From the feedback from this question it tells me that I need to make sure that the logo stands out much more when I go onto making the front cover.
The next question I asked was about the same amount of answers for both yes and no this question was amount the amount of pictures used. Some people said that they liked the amount of pictures used because they like to see what has been happening around the college and what events having recently taken place. However some people said there was to many pictures and not enough text explaining what was actually taking place in these photo's. The best way I can try to make people want to read my magazine is trying to balance out the amount of pictures and text on my front cover.
The feedback I got from my fourth question which was about the colours used was also a bit of negative feedback. The majority of people that I asked said that the colours were to dull and didn't stand out to them and they would like brighter colours to be used so it stands out to the readers. From this feedback I'm definitely going to make sure that I use brighter colours so people are happy with it and it stands out to a wider range of audience such as people that are not normally reading the school magazine.
The reason why I asked the fifth question was so I get some idea of what people will like to see when I finally create the front cover of my magazine. I got a wide range of feedback from this question which I expected because different people have different tastes. The main things people wanted to see was the latest news and results from the academy and whats going to happen within the next few months.
My sixth question was about whether or not teasers would make people want to read the inside of my magazine. The majority of people said that they would like to see teasers on the front of the magazine because it would give them something to look forward to reading inside the magazine. The other feedback I got was that they can then see if there's any stories in there that they would be interested in reading because some people said that sometimes they cant be bothered to read it because they don't know if there's going to be stories in the magazine that they are actually interested in.
My last question I asked people was do you like the font of the magazine. I asked this question because I wanted to know if they thought the font of the school magazine was effective and whether or not it stood out to them. The feedback I got back with this question is that it doesn't really bother them because it is big enough to read and there isn't that much font on the front cover of the magazine anyway.
After analysing all of the information I have got back from my questionnaires I am going to make sure that I try and add in everything that people want so that my magazine front cover will grab the attention of loads of people. Such as I'm going to make the logo bigger so it stands out to people and they know were the magazine came from. I'm also going to make sure I use bright colours to grab the readers attention and try a different kind of layout to the current one to see if people prefer it.
This is great feedback although some of it is a bit contradictory which could be tricky for you! I wonder who the target audience of this production really is? I suspect it's parents rather than students. Will your product be more student centred?