Sunday, 28 February 2010

Conclusion of are front cover magazine

After a couple of hours work I finally completed the front cover and I think it looks really good and effective. Some things I had to play around with such as the images on the front cover because at first they looked a bit tilted so I had to play around with it until it looked straight. Another problem I had with the images was that I didn't want to have too many images because then I thought people may not be able to see the background which I want readers to do else there wasn't no point having a background so I had to play around with the layout. I wanted to do something different compared to the original school magazine because I felt there was to many images and not enough text explaining the image which we made sure we did so the people that will read are magazine can clearly understand what's happening in the images. I also decided to put teasers on the front cover of the magazine because most people from the questionnaire said that it would probably make them read the school magazine so I thought it would be essential to add this.

I used different fonts on the front cover of magazine so that people can tell the different subjects rather than having all the same font because it might confuse some people so I thought this would be a good and effective idea so its easier for people to tell the difference and so it doesn't look all the same there's more of a variety of colour and bright colours as well because most people said that the font used for the front cover is to dull and the colours aren't bright enough so I made sure I done that to keep readers happy. One of the font colours that I used was green this connotes fresh so it says I am doing something completely different to what the original school magazine was like so hopefully I will get more readers because they will enjoy reading it more and they are interested.

Another thing that looks good on my front cover was the logo because I decided to make it bigger so it stands out to the reader now and it doesn't clash with the background like the original school magazine did so hopefully now readers will be able to tell were the magazine came from and get are school recognised because most people that I asked outside of the school said they wouldn't know were it came from because it blended in to much with the background and it wasn't big enough so now hopefully the readers will be happy with the new style.

The images came out really well and we were impressed on how well they looked on the front cover of our magazine and I only had to change a few things on the photographs that took but most of them were alright so all I had to do was stick it right on to my front cover so it saved me a lot of time because although I had to edit some of them.

I decided to keep the title the same I tried to come up with a different name to make it sound new and more exciting but I decided to keep it with the original name because we had the picture of the front of the entrance were it says Bodmin college so I used that as our background so it stands out and people can now actually tell that it is Bodmin college's own magazine. I also didn't want to change it because people may not recognise that it is the college's magazine so I thought that it may get less readers so I thought we would just really try and focus on the teasers on the front cover to get readers interested rather than spending a lot of time just trying to come up with a new name for the magazine.

I feel my strengths were strengths were taking the images and being able to put them straight onto the front cover of the magazine with only having to edit a few. I also felt I was good at coming up with what teasers to put on the front cover of the magazine so I can try to attract as many readers as I could such as I thought that it would be a good idea of having the pictures of the new part of the common room because most people are interested in seeing what the common room looks because its new and this could get the attention of both students and parents. I also thought my teaser of the Rosie and cider play was a good idea because on the original school magazine they only really focus on one subject and everybody has different tastes so I decided to add this so I could cover a wide selection of tastes for people and even if the students don't like the sound of the play some parents might like to go and watch it so I feel we advertised it well.

I think my weaknesses was trying to decide on the layout of my magazine because I couldn't think of to ideas but I wanted to put to quite a bit on the front cover of the magazine because I was worried it might look empty and not as advertising so I decided to just have a few main images which people would most likely like to see. However I also didn't want to fill up the front cover because I liked the background picture and I really wanted it to stand out so readers recognises the image. The only other weakness that I really had was trying to find the right font colour because I wanted it to stand out from the background like the publishers of other magazines do so I tried to use a variety of colours that I felt would stand out to the reader.

Overall I think I done well with my magazine front cover and I was impressed with the outcome of the magazines because it took me a lot of time and effort. I really hope that people that see my front cover of the magazine would be impressed as well because most of the things I put on the front cover of my magazine was to do with the feedback I got back from are questionnaires so I based everything on what the readers would like to see.


  1. 'Are' front cover?!!! Make sure you check for silly errors! That aside, this is really starting to take shape in terms of written analysis - you must however upload images to add additional visual information.

  2. This has potential but Ms Stott is right - it needs careful checking. The date? The price? Puff? There's also a spelling error on the front cover which looks unprofessional. I found the text rather bland and I think the green rather hard to read. The masthead was eye catching. The box with the play detail in it seems oddly placed.
