Wednesday, 20 April 2011

My film poster

I think that the finish version of my poster looks good and would attract people to it. The reason for this is because of the boldness of the title and it's right in the middle of the page whereas most posters usually have their titles either at the top of the poster or the bottom. I believe by me putting the title in the middle of the page that my target audience are more likely to see it because I feel comparing it to other film posters that it stands out a lot better.

Just like magazine front covers I decided to use three main colours white, red and brown. I believe by using these colours it's quite self explanatory about the genre of the film. I believe my picture the hand coming out of the ground also gives the genre of my film away. I decided to use the blood brush which I downloaded as a border and on the text of the poster as I feel it add more effect however I had to be careful and not overuse it.

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