Wednesday, 1 September 2010

Analysis of 3 film posters

The next piece of work I will be doing for my A2 project is to look at and analyse 3 film posters. Again I will be looking at what it shows you by looking at the images on the poster and the font they use and how it makes it stands out or what they could do to make it stand out more. I'm going to analysis the same three film posters that I analysed for the trailers.

The first movie poster I'm going to look at is Shaun of the dead

Looking at the poster immediately gives away the genre of this film with obviously being zombie you can see this because of around the main characters there is a load of zombies surrounding them which I think looks really effective and I also feel it works really well.

The three main colours for this poster is red, white and black which I expected really with it being a poster for a zombie film. The colour red connotes anger and in this case probably blood seeming as its a poster for a zombie film. The Black connotes evil the evil being on this poster the zombies obviously because they have plagued and are trying to wipe out the human race. The final colour is white which connotes the hero's on the poster which in this case is the humans that are still living and by looking at them in the poster are trying to fight them off its clear they are trying to do this because the three characters are wielding weapons.

I think that the font that they use for the title is really effective because of it being in bold in a black font on top of a white and red background so it stands out really clear and everyone will be able to read what it says.

The second film poster I am going to analysis is Resident evil

Without knowing what genre resident evil is in I think it would be hard for people to class and they may think that the film is an action film because of the woman holding the gun despite the title being quite self explanatory with the word 'evil' in it you would usually assume it's a horror. When I first saw this poster I was surprised because normally on zombie film posters there's like a zombie or a man with blood all over him but in this case its just two woman with one of them wielding a gun and they other one looking like she's about to run away.

Again the three main colours are red, black and white which seems to be the case for most zombie film posters the reason being is its always about the hero, zombies and blood which is what all of the colours connotes and which I explained when analysing my first zombie poster.

The third film poster I'm going to analyse is Silent Hill

Again first glimpse at this film poster and you are able to identify that the genre is horror, by the way it looks all so gloomy and a image of a dead girl standing in front of a similar styled looking crucifix. The poster also looks freaky/unusual because there are bits of paper being sucked into the background of the picture.

In this film trailer I would only say that there are two main colours those being black and yellow. They use colour cleverly on this poster because the black connotes the evil and the yellow connotes purity and on this poster it seems as if the good is absorbing the evil and making things normal again.

The font on the poster is what you would expect on a horror film poster its bold so it stands out to the audience and is also kind of fading which could connote the evil being taking away.

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